Our Team

Experts in their fields, at work for you

The SVC team works hands-on with each of our companies to provide expert support and guidance. Each member of our staff was carefully selected due to their expertise in their respective fields, and we are confident of the value they bring to our clients.

Aaron Sims CEO
Cara Schoettes VP of Operations
Andi Lewis Executive Assistant
Tracie Morelock Accounting & Bookkeeping
Aaron Duffy Legal Counsel
Debbie Davis Accounting & Bookkeeping
Kellie Weaver Human Resources Director
Whitney Welch Marketing Coordinator
Teague Quillen Recruitment Coordinator
Amanda Timbes Accounting
Oscar Avila IT Coordinator

Know of a great fit to join the SVC team?

Email a resume and letter of intent to kweaver@simsventurecapital.com.

VC the TN Way.